Nic is a German manufacturer of wooden toys. The company believes that wood is the most beautiful and valuable material for making high-quality children's toys due to its tactile qualities, warmth, and naturalness. Many people today are looking for eco-friendly, non-toxic, and natural toys for their children, carefully selecting the right ones. Wooden toys allow even the youngest children to experience real natural materials — the softness, beautiful texture, weight of the wood, and its various shapes. იხილეთ მეტი


Nic is a German manufacturer of wooden toys. The company believes that wood is the most beautiful and valuable material for making high-quality children's toys due to its tactile qualities, warmth, and naturalness. Many people today are looking for eco-friendly, non-toxic, and natural toys for their children, carefully selecting the right ones. Wooden toys allow even the youngest children to experience real natural materials — the softness, beautiful texture, weight of the wood, and its various shapes.

წერილის მიწერა
აუცილებლად შესავსები ველი
ღილაკის დაჭერით , თქვენ ეთანხმებით პერსონალური მონაცემების დამუშავებას.